The proven process behind BONE Structure homes is backed by patents in 42 countries worldwide. Building your home may well be the most important decision you make in your entire life. That's why we’ve partnered with the BONE Structure team to bring their special technology to you through our authorized in-house assembly crew.

Technology + Benefits

Traditional North American housing construction involves wooden structures. Why? Because wood is plentiful and relatively cheap. Not because it does a great job of building a house that will stay solid for decades, like steel. BONE Structure homes are a paradigm shift as radical as smartphones or electric cars.

BONE Structure is based on a simple idea: create a home's skeleton (the inspiration for the name BONE Structure) from galvanized steel components that are measured and cut with surgical precision, then assembled on-site exactly according to plan. Once the frame has been assembled, walls, doors and windows can all be added easily because of the unparalleled accuracy of the structure assembly. No nails, no cutting, no welding, no waste.

The system consists of a precisely customized set of parts and screws that fit together perfectly. This means greater control over both budget and timeline. More of the benefits of these steel structure systems include; design freedom that comes with its adaptability and energy efficiency that results to significantly lower utility bills and a lower carbon footprint.